Thursday, March 24, 2011


JACK BENNY (my 8 year old Golden mix) is the only one in our household who stops eating when he's full.  Oh sure, he loves his treats, and can't get enough of them, but when it comes to mealtimes, he eats and then he's done.  At least there's one of us who has a little common sense.

Every morning, Jack wakes us at about 6:30 so he can go outside and meditate.  I know, most dogs have to 'go' by then, but not Jack...Jack can hold it longer than any other dog in the world...In fact, he should be in the Guinness book of World Records...ask our dogsitter.  Back to meditating, Jack sits outside, no matter the weather (unless it's pouring), and just clears his mind of all that's bothering him.  By 8 a.m. he's refreshed and ready for another day.

BREAKFAST - Bowl of dry Kibble with a snack on top.   He takes the snack elsewhere so he can enjoy it alone.  (I've exhibited that behavior, too, so you know where he gets it from.)

SNACK:  If he eats his Kibble, he gets this white hard thing that's good for his teeth.  Haha...make brushing your teeth fun!!!!

MID AFTERNOON SNACK:  Just for being a good boy, he'll get another treat, but not too close to dinnertime.

DINNER:  Another bowl of dry Kibble but this time with a little Coconut Oil to make it a little tastier.......

With Jack's limited choices, he stays fit and trim.   Perhaps, if I didn't have this vast amount of food choose from, I'd be fit and trim, too.

Some time during the day, Jack reminds us that we need to go out and play for a short time.  It's a great idea to stretch and roll around on the grass.

At night, while I still sit at my computer, doing research, on Facebook playing Scrabble, whatever, Jack will get up on the couch and look back at me until I join him and Steve, my husband.  It's family time, and I better come sit down and give some love.

Yup.  My dog's got it down in 8 short years while I'm still struggling after 50+.   Oops, gotta go, it's Family Time.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011



I'm blogging for my life here.  I'm blogging not because I can save you from the perils of white sugar and other white floury substances, but more to save myself.  If I can save you from what I experience, that will be the cherry on top of the hot fudge sundae I hope I don't eat too soon.  But welcome.  I so appreciate that you took the time to check me out.

Here's what I promise....Honesty, full disclosure.  Recently, I made the decision to get my weight down to a healthy place.  That means I will have to lose at least 60 lbs.  I've always been a little zaftig but soon after menopause set in, I gained 10, 20, 30, then 40 lbs. - And now I'm feeling my age which is a shame because I don't act it!

So I committed to a few hundred people by e-mails, facebook and twitter to lose the weight.  I began last Friday by ordering from  -  Fresh food, no preservatives, 3 meals, 2 snacks, delivered to me daily.   I must admit the food is pretty good, but I can also say it's a lot less than what I usually eat.  So that's what it takes, portion control!  I hope my stomach and my head get it together soon and join forces to help me lose this weight.  I will continue with the fresh diet for another 3 weeks and then I may or may not go out on my own. Yes, it's easy for me to have my own chef. I'm spoiled but look at Oprah or Kirstie Alley - they can have their own chef and probably do, but they still have trouble with their weight.  The reason?  Because they haven't gotten to the reason as to why they overeat.  Or they overeat knowing that it's wrong for them.  We are addicts, we are rebels, we eat over our emotions.  We use food as other people take aspirin.  I believe that until we truly want to make a healthy lifestyle change, we are doomed.